Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cosplay Paint-on Trials

Here are a few more cosplay paint-on trials we did last week. Hopefully by end of March or mid-April, we'll be good to go on photoshoots. We've a lot of personal projects to finish before that, so paint-on trials are the best way to see which costume to get first, without wasting money cuz then we'd know who looks good as who. :)

I really shouldn't have smiled. Because Neji doesn't smile. (JP as Gaara, Karaiwashi as Neji, see below paint-on image for reference.)

here's obarro-kun as sarutobi asuma. (see below the paint-on for reference photo)


Azrael Coladilla said...

uy astig nito ah

karaiwashi said...

uy az nagcomment ka pala ngayon ko lang nakita. :D thanks hehe. :D